74 Year-Old Female Patient
Node: Negative
Size: 2.1 cm
Grade: 2
Case submitted by:
Sarah Sammons — Durham, NC, USA
Patient Details
Menopausal status:
Tumor type:
Tumor size:
2.1 cm
ER status (IHC):
PR status (IHC):
HER2/NEU status:
Ki-67 status:
Histologic grade:
Lymph node status:
General health:
Patient is doing okay, she has neuropathy of unclear etiology that drastically impacts her QOL. She lives alone and does not want to take medication that will affect her QOL
Treatment given:
No benefit to chemo- patient has poor QOL due to neuropathy so will move forward with endocrine therapy alone
Other information

Exploratory Subgroup Analysis for TAILORx and NSABP B-20 indicate that Recurrence Score® and age are the strongest predictors of chemotherapy benefit1. The absolute reduction of distant recurrence from chemotherapy for patients >50 years and ≤50 years is shown here for RS groups: 11-15, 16-20, and 21-25 from TAILORx, and 0-10 and 26-100 from NSABP B-202.

Estimated Chemotherapy Benefit for Individual Recurrence Score Results
Recurrence Score ranges shown reflect randomized patients in NSABP B-20 and TAILORx.

1. Sparano et al. N Engl J Med. 2018.; ECOG and Genomic Health (data on file).
2. Paik et al. J Clin Oncol. 2006.; Sparano and Paik J Clin Oncol. 2008.