76 Year-Old Female Patient
Node: Negative
Size: 0.3 cm
Grade: 1
Case submitted by:
James Egner, MD — Urbana, IL, USA
Patient Details
Menopausal status:
Tumor type:
Tumor size:
0.3 cm
ER status (IHC):
PR status (IHC):
HER2/NEU status:
Ki-67 status:
Histologic grade:
Lymph node status:
General health:
Treatment given:
Radiation and an AI for 5 years
Other information

Exploratory Subgroup Analysis for TAILORx and NSABP B-20 indicate that Recurrence Score® and age are the strongest predictors of chemotherapy benefit1. The absolute reduction of distant recurrence from chemotherapy for patients >50 years and ≤50 years is shown here for RS groups: 11-15, 16-20, and 21-25 from TAILORx, and 0-10 and 26-100 from NSABP B-202.

Estimated Chemotherapy Benefit for Individual Recurrence Score Results
Recurrence Score ranges shown reflect randomized patients in NSABP B-20 and TAILORx.

1. Sparano et al. N Engl J Med. 2018.; ECOG and Genomic Health (data on file).
2. Paik et al. J Clin Oncol. 2006.; Sparano and Paik J Clin Oncol. 2008.